Friday 6 January 2012

Taking Care of Your Diamond Jewellery

If you thought that the hardest part was to pick the perfect sparkling diamond for your jewellery then think again! The real deal starts once you bring the prized possession home and start wearing it regularly.

A diamond can lose its shine after facing the regular day ordeal. Regular use of creams, lotions, hair sprays and washing detergents can result in your diamond losing its lustre as the layer of these products can block light. Therefore it becomes important to take care of diamond jewellery by cleaning it at regular intervals and storing it in a proper jewellery box.

As diamond is no ordinary stone laying around therefore the cleaning process also need to be exclusive and special. Hence, don’t club you gold, pearl and other jewellery with diamond jewellery while cleaning them out of your laziness!

The things that you would need are a soft brush, mild soap and a big bowl or a small tub. Make sure that the brush that you use is really soft as the harsh bristles can leave scratch marks on the metal and diamond of your jewellery. Harsh detergents are also a strict no-no as they can discolour or dilute the properties of your precious jewellery.

As for tub or bowl, it is just to be on safer side. You can also make use of your wash-room sink but don’t forget to close the sink drain. Because there is a high possibility that in the midst of the washing process, few diamonds may come loose if not being careful and wash away in the drain. Therefore a separate bowl or tub is advisable instead of sink.

However, no one does a job better than a professional. So it is never too late to visit a jeweller who can clean your diamond jewellery in a much better way. Getting it cleaned from a professional once in few months is enough to keep your diamond sparkling just like new. In between the clean-ups at the jeweller you can clean your diamond jewellery at home as and when required.